Do We All Have Guardian Angels?

This morning, as I sat down to sip some hot coffee and do my Bible study, I decided to try something a little different. At the moment, I’m reading Streams in the Desert, a compilation of daily devotions that, yes, deals mostly with the trials we face in life. And frankly, I am sick to death of focusing on my trials. I am ready for some celebrations!

However, even when reading a book I abhor (and I do not hate this book; it’s actually awesome) I keep reading until the end. A pride thing I guess. So, I keep plowing ahead and I’m glad, because it’s got some amazing lessons in it! Today’s focus is Genesis 32:24, which is the story of Jacob meeting an angel and wrestling with him.

So, it’s just an angel, right? And they only appear to super-holy godly men in the Old Testament? Yep, that’s what I though too. I mean, it’s a nice idea, isn’t it? To have your own superhero guarding your every moment?

It reminds me of when I was driving my husband and kids to visit my Daddy. (Those of you who know me well will understand why this did not help my anxiety!) We were almost to Moundville, Alabama. I was doing 70 in a 65, I guess? Anyway, out of nowhere, this van comes at me. The driver was turning onto Highway 69 and did not even see me.

I literally had zero time to react. I just acted on impulse. The van’s driver pulled right into my lane, like I wasn’t even there. First I got into the left lane (thank God there was no one coming from that direction) and then, sure enough, here comes the van. So I (still going 70 miles an hour!) pull off onto the grass on the left side of the road, and the van’s driver just keeps going happily on. I realized I needed to get back into the right lane, and thank the Lord there was a street to turn off onto. I did, and got out the car, shaking and mad as you-know-what! (Mama would say “as a hatter,” whatever in heck that means).

I was high-fiving myself on being such an awesome driver. But now that I think about it, in context of guardian angels, I mean, come on! I’m not a horrible driver, but I’m not a perfect one. Yes, I think quickly on my feet, but that van should have driven straight into us, and I only had (in reality) about three seconds, maybe, to execute said driving so skillfully.

It isn’t just driving catastrophes. Think of all the times you’ve been able to say, “There but for the grace of God go I.” Sure it is His grace. But what if, at the meanest, hardest times of our lives, God’s given us our private superhero? Hey, it’s something to think about!